getting mature, am I? :t
I feel so damn,, how time.. that didn't used so wise..
Well.. I'm 22 now.. :y
it's 10 a.m..
so it's exactly.. that I'm 22.. :)
Apa yang gw harepin dari bertambahnya umur gw? of course I want better life.. It doesn't mean that I have no good life before.. buT,, I wannna be better,,
many things that still I can't reach,,
many things that still,, sometimes I feel so stuck..
gw pengen, gw cepet2 lulus kuliah,, gw dah sem 4 sekarang,,
gw pengen, gw memberikan sesuatu wat yang udah kasih gw beasiswa,, yeah,, of course.. negara ini,,
so, klo gw mungkin lulus, gw gak bertahan di STM ini,, gw tetep pengen mengabdi,, maybe another place but still in education.. gak jauh2 dari pendidikan,,
gw pengen selain di education, gw pengen punya own business, still unsure what is that, gw seh,, ada bayang2 geto tapi di kepala gw,, hahaaa,, ngerajut masa depan kale yah,, I hope so..
kadang gw gak terlalu suka, bertahan terlalu lama di suatu tempat,, gw bilang,, I feel like I'm stuck..
gw gak bisa kreasi.. but I must survive.. apa lage, klo bukan karena MOU dengan Diknas..
gw pengen, ngerasain dunia,, real world, persaingan industri, work in some place with more things to do,, tantangan,, gw pengen menjelajah , yeah,, Indonesia, klo udah baru gw jelajah dunia..
selama gw masih hidup,, gw kira,, nothing is impossible in this world, if we believe..
tulisan ini jg gw buat, ada sisi dimana gw sedikit kecewa, ada hal2 yang gak bisa mereka ngerti dari apa yang gw kerjain,, well.. but once again,, I will survive..
I swear.. ;) :)
gw bakal berkarya, more and more,, hee..
anyway,, happy birthday to me,,
happy birthday juga bwat Yohan dan juga Eka yang ultahnya barengan ama gw ;) ,,,
bwat Yohan,, maybe we have a chemistry,, something that only had by one that have the same birth date,, almost the same,, becoz u were 4 years younger..
and Eka,, is my real soulmate,, best friend,, who will always be my best one.. We'll always have the chemistry,,
I hope we'll have a blast year,, in front of us.. AMIN.. :)
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