sadness.. - Dear Life, Affection, Hope and all ever happen...

Saturday, May 24, 2008


gw bete,, sedih,, kecewa,,dan laen2,, yang tak terkatakan,,

so i try to runaway..

I make myself goin everywhere..

get fun,,

Even it's just a little while..

but i think,, it will mend..

I will survive..

for all the sick damn things that comes..

I swear,, I will not stuCk...I will be fine..


gw bener2 kacau dan gila,, setelah apa yang gw lakuin,, semua terasa sia2,, huh,, I try to 4get it all..

dan gw mulai menyenangkan diri sendiri dulu,, dengan,, yeah,, first, ketemu mbak Miersa, gw beli sepatu dan sempet beli cincin kembar 3, wat gw, mbak Miersa dan Melani.. then we go To Melanie's place.. hum,, sempet ngerasain yang namanya Tacoz... makanan dari MEksiko, Mel yang buat,,baru pertama kale itu,, dan mayan enak jg lah, spicy mirip isi burger, but kulitnya dari tortilla,, mak nyus lah,, kalo kata si Bondan,, hahahaa,,

then,, gw pergi ke Malang Kembali ke pohon, sebenernya, gag mood, lah adek gw maksa2 aja,, malem2, b2 naek motor geto kesana,,mana malem Jumat lage,,bener2 edan,,


it's a beautiful night,, with full moon han9ing up..

wind blows,, and many things show..

I wipe my shattered and gloomy heart,,

I try to laugh.. and get better..

when I'm in a silenT..

It comes again,,

the stranger feelin',,

that still I can't fight,,

deep in my heart..

I still crying..


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