Good Time, Great Time.. - Dear Life, Affection, Hope and all ever happen...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Good Time, Great Time..

New experience.. such a new challenge.. and also great moment

udah kelewat lama,, exactly... tanggal 19-20 Mei lalu tepatnya..
well.. gw g nyangka bakal gantiin Fajar, for english debating championship, NUEDC 2009 - National University Englsih Debating Championship-, wow, It's so crazy,, I have no experience at all in such a competition..

but, what we should do? gw ma Anita harus berangkat, no matter what..
and.. yeah, finnaly.. Qt hadepin juga smuanya.. the debating.. with no preparation.. and we still feel so grateful, that we aren't the worst, though, we're the one from technical major.. the other participants, mostly they come from English Major,,, or if they aren't, they had the proper preparation and also guidance from their English lecturer..

well.. pengen cerita tapi g tau nih, gw limited of time banget,,,:D

Intinya.. dari debat bahasa Inggris dengan sistem British Parliament ini.. gw banyak belajar, gw nambah pengalaman.. dan gw ngerasa beruntung pernah mengalami hal yang belum tentu dialami mahasiswa lainnya..

What a great moment...

Gw harap gw bisa nerusin alias ngupdate tulisan ini.. :)

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